Catskill Fly Tying
Join Andrew & Nancy Moy in the Catskills of NY at cozy Tight Lines North, for a day of fly tying, fish chat, great food and fun! Share your fishing experiences and some laughs while you hone your skills, chase away the winter blues, and learn something new. Arrive by 11:00am for the start of the fly tying session, which will end around 3pm. Several different dates and topics available. Limited to 6 guests per date. All tying materials included. There is also an option to extend your experience (see below).
For those who choose to overnight, there will be an informative fly fishing presentation and discussion provided.
- Fly tying, fish chat & lunch - $75
- Fly tying, fish chat, lunch, dinner, presentation/discussion, and an overnight with breakfast - $225
Available Dates and Topics:
Saturday February 10th, 2024
Fly tying, fish chat & lunch (11am-3pm): Our Favorite Catskill Dry Flies
Presentation & discussion (7:00pm): Salmon Angling in Norway
Saturday March 2nd, 2024
Fly tying, fish chat & lunch (11am-3pm): The Isonychia - One of the Most Important Hatches
Presentation & discussion (7:00pm): Bonefishing the Bahamas
Questions? Give us a call! Andrew 973-979-7600 - Nancy 973-979-7600
- Come for fly tying and lunch - $75
- Come for fly tying, lunch, dinner, presentation/discussion, and an overnight with breakfast - $225